

In today’s threat landscape, securing the organization has become an imperative goal right next to productivity. The big question has transitioned from “If I get attacked” to ‘When I get attacked”. As the vectors and methodologies of attack have become increasingly diverse, organizations are forced to consider two scenarios

  • How do I protect my organization against a cyber-attack.
  • How do I handle when there is an attack and minimize the damages.
Security Consultant
DigitalTrack as a Security consultant have adopted a Zero trust framework with a threat centric approach across all segments of the network. Our recommendations revolve around the philosophy of “trust but verify” while optimizing the solution on sole goal of preventing an attack through any vector.
Phishing Attacks
Phishing Attacks

In this methodology the attacker tries to extract confidential information from an individual through mail by establishing trust with the user by mimicking a reputable source.

Our Solution : Email Gateway Security.
Malware Attacks

Malwares are malicious software which once they enter the system can do the following – Block access to key components of the network. – Disrupt the user experience and in turn affecting productivity

Our Solution : Endpoint Security Platform/Endpoint Detection and Response

This form of attack is when an attacker penetrates communication between two devices and extracts valuable information. MITM is achieved by successfully injecting a malicious software within the network.

Our Solution : Network Detection and Response
Denial-of-service attack
Denial-of-service attack

DOS and Dynamic DOS attacks disrupt the user experience by rendering the workflow obsolete either by flooding the network with unwanted traffic.

Our Solution : Perimeter Security
SQL Injection
SQL Injection

SQL injection has become a common issue with database-driven websites. It occurs when the attacker executes a SQL query to the database via the input data from the client to server. This results in the breach of confidential information such as username and password.

Our solution : Intrusion Prevention Services/WAF

Drive-by download attacks are a common method of spreading malware. Hackers look for insecure websites and plant a malicious script into HTTP or PHP code on one of the pages. This script might install malware directly onto the computer of someone who visits the site, or it might re-direct the victim to a site controlled by the hackers.

Our Solution : Web Isolation
Password Attacks
Password Attacks

In a password attack the attacker tries to acquire access to a confidential system. Since the password is the most common method of authentication, the attacker tries either a dictionary attack or brute force to break the password.

Our Solution : Multi-Factor Authentication, Privilege Access Management
Insider Threats
Insider Threats

Insider threats make up for a Billion in losses to corporates. As we earlier mentioned “trust but verify” is the approach taken to fight against intellectual property theft and data exfiltration.

Our Solution : Data Loss Prevention/UBA, NAC
DNS Attacks

DNS tunnelling utilizes the DNS protocol to communicate non-DNS traffic over port 53. It sends HTTP and other protocol traffic over DNS. There are various, legitimate reasons to utilize DNS tunnelling. However, there are also malicious reasons to use DNS Tunneling VPN services. They can be used to disguise outbound traffic as DNS, concealing data that is typically shared through an internet connection.

Our Solution : DNS Security.
Where DigitalTrack as a partner adds value is through our understanding of the attack vectors and methodologies which enables us in designing a security architecture in which the components integrate with one another to enable intelligence sharing between the appliances. Holistic security is achieved when the security peripherals can communicate and share intel with one another rather than working in silos. Audit is one process which terrifies even the most meticulous organizations. DigitalTrack enables organizations become complianct and ensure that they are being compliant around the year. We offer change management and Compliance Checker solutions which would alert you when you become non compliant upon a change in the configuration or the infrastructure. Furthermore we also offer Cyber Risk Quantification solutions which incorporate both the technical and Business contexts of your organization to help you objectively quantify the risk within the organization.