Enterprises need simple and effective ways to detect, evaluate, and mitigate risks, while ensuring that risk management programs are pervasive across the organization. The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) processes to identify, assess, report and monitor enterprise risks which includes above-ground or non-technical risks. It supports value creation by enabling management to deal effectively with potential future events that create uncertainty. ERM empowers to take control of both existing and potential hazards and risks, integrating risk management into all key enterprise processes.

Current market trend
DigitalTrackGulf’s ERM practice delivers integrated and sustainable enterprise risk management solutions. The solutions align risk analysis and management to corporate strategy and risk appetite. It ensures that decision-making processes integrate risk and compliance considerations and design compensation plans to discourage risky behavior and reward desired outcomes.


Today’s dynamic enterprise landscape is replete with a multitude of internal and external risks, making risk mitigation a key element in propelling business growth. DigitalTrackGulf ‘s Enterprise Risk Assessment and Analysis enables a structured and systematic approach towards managing enterprise risks. The uniform risk assessment methodologies and standards provides an accurate understanding of risks across the enterprise. This includes identification, assessment, development and maintenance of mitigating measures and action plans and reporting using actionable data and metrics.

DigitalTrackGulf has developed a consistent, systemic and integrated approach to risk management to identify, manage and mitigate significant risks throughout the company. The goal is to mitigate enterprise exposure to security risks using proven and practical risk-based decision-making processes.